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La Raíz de la Violencia es la Opresión -
Voces Judías por la Paz
Yolanda JB - http://www.educarueca.org / Domingo 8 de octubre de 2023

Cerrar los ojos y lamentarse no es la solución. Este comunicado que denuncia la actual situación de guerra en Israel y Palestina no es nada nuevo. Guerra financiada por los EEUU y silenciada por todos los continentes, muy especialmente por la Unión Europea.

Alzar también nuestra voz y denunciarlo puede hacerse desde nuestras aulas. Como bien dicen las feminista: -"El silencio nos hace cómplices".

Jews voice for Peace – Voces Judías por la Paz

La raíz de la violencia es la opresión.

En este momento, los palestinos, los israelíes y todos los que tenemos familiares en el terreno estamos aterrorizados por nuestros seres queridos. Lamentamos las vidas de quienes ya se han perdido y seguimos comprometidos con un futuro en el que cada vida es preciosa y todas las personas viven en libertad y seguridad.

Tras 16 años de bloqueo militar israelí, los combatientes palestinos de Gaza lanzaron un ataque sin precedentes, en el que cientos de israelíes resultaron muertos y heridos, y civiles secuestrados. El gobierno israelí declaró la guerra, lanzó ataques aéreos, mató a cientos de palestinos e hirió a miles, bombardeó edificios residenciales y amenazó con cometer crímenes de guerra contra los palestinos asediados en Gaza.

Puede que el gobierno israelí diga que acaba de declarar la guerra, pero su guerra contra los palestinos comenzó hace más de 75 años. El apartheid y la ocupación israelíes –y la complicidad de los Estados Unidos en esa opresión– son la fuente de toda esta violencia. La realidad está determinada por el momento en que pone en marcha el reloj. Durante el año pasado, el gobierno más racista, fundamentalista y de extrema derecha de la historia de Israel ha intensificado despiadadamente su ocupación militar sobre los palestinos en nombre de la supremacía judía con expulsiones violentas y demoliciones de viviendas, asesinatos en masa, incursiones militares en campos de refugiados y asedios implacables. y humillación diaria. En las últimas semanas, las fuerzas israelíes atacaron repetidamente los lugares musulmanes más sagrados de Jerusalén. Durante 16 años, el gobierno israelí ha asfixiado a los palestinos en Gaza bajo un draconiano bloqueo militar aéreo, marítimo y terrestre, encarcelando y matando de hambre a dos millones de personas y negándoles asistencia médica. El gobierno israelí masacra habitualmente a palestinos en Gaza; Los niños de diez años que viven en Gaza ya han quedado traumatizados por siete grandes campañas de bombardeos en sus cortas vidas.

Son ya 75 años en los que el gobierno israelí ha mantenido una ocupación militar sobre los palestinos, operando un régimen de apartheid. Los niños palestinos son sacados de sus camas en redadas antes del amanecer por soldados israelíes y retenidos sin cargos en prisiones militares israelíes. Las casas de los palestinos son incendiadas por turbas de colonos israelíes o destruidas por el ejército israelí. Pueblos palestinos enteros se ven obligados a huir, abandonando los hogares, los huertos y las tierras que pertenecieron a sus familias durante generaciones.

El derramamiento de sangre de hoy y de los últimos 75 años se remonta directamente a la complicidad de Estados Unidos en la opresión y el horror causados ​​por la ocupación militar de Israel. El gobierno de Estados Unidos permite constantemente la violencia israelí y tiene la culpa de esta situación. La financiación militar desenfrenada, la cobertura diplomática y los miles de millones de dólares de dinero privado que fluyen desde Estados Unidos habilitan y fortalecen al régimen de apartheid de Israel. Quienes siguen pidiendo un apoyo “férreo” de Estados Unidos al ejército israelí sólo están allanando el camino para una mayor violencia.

Desde Estados Unidos no hay margen. Denunciaremos la complicidad desde donde estamos: exigimos que el gobierno de Estados Unidos tome medidas inmediatas para retirar la financiación militar a Israel y que responsabilice al gobierno israelí por sus graves violaciones de los derechos humanos y crímenes de guerra contra los palestinos. Nos comprometemos a intensificar nuestras campañas de boicot, desinversión y sanciones para poner fin a los miles de millones de corporaciones y fundaciones privadas que refuerzan la maquinaria de guerra israelí.

Inevitablemente, los pueblos oprimidos de todo el mundo buscarán (y obtendrán) su libertad. Todos merecemos liberación, seguridad e igualdad. La única manera de lograrlo es desarraigando las fuentes de la violencia, comenzando por la complicidad de nuestro propio gobierno.

Fuente original: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org...


The Root of Violence is Oppression.

Right now, Palestinians, Israelis and all of us with family on the ground are terrified for loved ones. We grieve the lives of those already lost and remain committed to a future where every life is precious, and all people live in freedom and safety.

Following 16 years of Israeli military blockade, Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault, in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and wounded, and civilians kidnapped. The Israeli government declared war, launching airstrikes, killing hundreds of Palestinians and wounding thousands, bombing residential buildings and threatening to commit war crimes against besieged Palestinians in Gaza.

The Israeli government may have just declared war, but its war on Palestinians started over 75 years ago. Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence. Reality is shaped by when you start the clock.

For the past year, the most racist, fundamentalist, far-right government in Israeli history has ruthlessly escalated its military occupation over Palestinians in the name of Jewish supremacy with violent expulsions and home demolitions, mass killings, military raids on refugee camps, unrelenting siege and daily humiliation. In recent weeks, Israeli forces repeatedly stormed the holiest Muslim sites in Jerusalem.

For 16 years, the Israeli government has suffocated Palestinians in Gaza under a draconian air, sea and land military blockade, imprisoning and starving two million people and denying them medical aid. The Israeli government routinely massacres Palestinians in Gaza; ten-year-olds who live in Gaza have already been traumatized by seven major bombing campaigns in their short lives.

For 75 years, the Israeli government has maintained a military occupation over Palestinians, operating an apartheid regime. Palestinian children are dragged from their beds in pre-dawn raids by Israeli soldiers and held without charge in Israeli military prisons. Palestinians homes are torched by mobs of Israeli settlers, or destroyed by the Israeli army. Entire Palestinian villages are forced to flee, abandoning the homes and orchards and land that were in their family for generations.

The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused by Israel’s military occupation. The U.S. government consistently enables Israeli violence and bears blame for this moment. The unchecked military funding, diplomatic cover, and billions of dollars of private money flowing from the U.S. enables and empowers Israel’s apartheid regime. Those who continue calling for “ironclad” U.S. support for the Israeli military are only paving the path to more violence.

From the U.S., there are no sidelines.  We will uproot complicity where we are: we demand that the U.S. government immediately take steps to withdraw military funding to Israel and to hold the Israeli government accountable for its gross violations of human rights and war crimes against Palestinians. We commit to escalating our campaigns for boycott, divestment and sanctions to end the billions pouring into the Israeli war machine from corporations and private foundations.

Inevitably, oppressed people everywhere will seek — and gain — their freedom. We all deserve liberation, safety, and equality. The only way to get there is by uprooting the sources of theviolence, beginning with our own government’s complicity.

Fuente original: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/10/statement23-10-07/

The Root of Violence is Oppression.

Right now, Palestinians, Israelis and all of us with family on the ground are terrified for loved ones. We grieve the lives of those already lost and remain committed to a future where every life is precious, and all people live in freedom and safety.

Following 16 years of Israeli military blockade, Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault, in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and wounded, and civilians kidnapped. The Israeli government declared war, launching airstrikes, killing hundreds of Palestinians and wounding thousands, bombing residential buildings and threatening to commit war crimes against besieged Palestinians in Gaza.

The Israeli government may have just declared war, but its war on Palestinians started over 75 years ago. Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence. Reality is shaped by when you start the clock.

For the past year, the most racist, fundamentalist, far-right government in Israeli history has ruthlessly escalated its military occupation over Palestinians in the name of Jewish supremacy with violent expulsions and home demolitions, mass killings, military raids on refugee camps, unrelenting siege and daily humiliation. In recent weeks, Israeli forces repeatedly stormed the holiest Muslim sites in Jerusalem.

For 16 years, the Israeli government has suffocated Palestinians in Gaza under a draconian air, sea and land military blockade, imprisoning and starving two million people and denying them medical aid. The Israeli government routinely massacres Palestinians in Gaza; ten-year-olds who live in Gaza have already been traumatized by seven major bombing campaigns in their short lives.  For 75 years, the Israeli government has maintained a military occupation over Palestinians, operating an apartheid regime. Palestinian children are dragged from their beds in pre-dawn raids by Israeli soldiers and held without charge in Israeli military prisons. Palestinians homes are torched by mobs of Israeli settlers, or destroyed by the Israeli army. Entire Palestinian villages are forced to flee, abandoning the homes and orchards and land that were in their family for generations.

The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused by Israel’s military occupation. The U.S. government consistently enables Israeli violence and bears blame for this moment. The unchecked military funding, diplomatic cover, and billions of dollars of private money flowing from the U.S. enables and empowers Israel’s apartheid regime. Those who continue calling for “ironclad” U.S. support for the Israeli military are only paving the path to more violence.

From the U.S., there are no sidelines.  We will uproot complicity where we are: we demand that the U.S. government immediately take steps to withdraw military funding to Israel and to hold the Israeli government accountable for its gross violations of human rights and war crimes against Palestinians. We commit to escalating our campaigns for boycott, divestment and sanctions to end the billions pouring into the Israeli war machine from corporations and private foundations.

Inevitably, oppressed people everywhere will seek — and gain — their freedom. We all deserve liberation, safety, and equality. The only way to get there is by uprooting the sources of theviolence, beginning with our own government’s complicity.

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